Tagliatelle con trota e ricotta

Simple, delicious and ready in less than 10 minutes

This week I had the pleasure to be invited to the Agriturismo Aquadolce for a wonderful lunch with Lorenza Borsarelli. You might remember that in my last blog I wrote about Lorenza’s work with Intrecci, a collective of local agricultural producers who, like me, believe passionately in the power of food produced sustainability and with love to bring together communities and create a shared sense of identity and belonging. Lorenza had previously given me a jar of smoked iridea trout (trota) made by their company Agritrutta from fish in the lakes inside the beautiful Crava Morozzo Nature Reserve. This morning I flew my hot air balloon along the River Pesio which feeds the lakes and returned home hungry for one of Lorenza’s simple, quick and delicious fish recipes. Enjoy!


A jar of smoked trout (available at Caffe Sociale) or a small fillet of something similar e.g. salmon
Dried (or fresh) tagliatelle (or another other pasta), amount to match the number of hungry people you are intending to feed
A tub of ricotta cheese
A lemon
Salt and pepper to taste
All the ingredients you need apart from the lemon, which I forgot to put on the board (oooops!)


This dish is really simple!

First put a pan of water on to boil with half a teaspoon of salt. Mix the fish with the ricotta cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. Chop some parsley and a lemon.

Put the pasta on to boil for 5 minutes – or whatever the packet says. Drain and then pop back in the pan. Add the fish mixture, a squeeze of lemon, the parsley and some more pepper (I like pepper…) Stir well and heat through.

Serve with another spinkle of parsley and a glass of crisp white wine (or something else if you prefer). Buon appetito!

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